How to Report Child Abuse
The PCAIN office does not take child abuse or neglect reports.
Please contact the Indiana Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline at 1-800-800-5556 to report suspected child abuse or neglect.
Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect
Any individual who has reason to believe that a child is a victim of child abuse or neglect must make a report. Anonymous reports are accepted. Failure to make a report can be a Class B misdemeanor. Reports should be made to the statewide, centralized Hotline: 1-800-800-5556.
Immunity from Liability
Any person, other than the accused, who reports child abuse or neglect or is involved in the investigation or disposition of child abuse or neglect reports is immune from criminal or civil liability, unless the person acted maliciously or in bad faith.
All reports made to Indiana Department of Child Services are confidential and may only be released to Indiana Department of Child Services workers, police, prosecutors, doctors, or other authorized personnel.
Department of Child Services
Each County Office will be the primary agency responsible to assess or arrange for assessment and coordinate the assessment of all reports of known or suspected child abuse or neglect. Indiana Department of Child Services must:
- Provide protective services to prevent a child’s exposure to further incidents of child abuse or neglect. Indiana Department of Child Services must provide or arrange for, coordinate, and monitor the provision of services to ensure the safety of children. Reasonable efforts must be made to prevent a child’s removal from the home
- Cooperate with and seek and receive cooperation of appropriate public and private agencies and programs providing services related to prevention, identification or treatment of child abuse or neglect
If you have concerns or complaints pertaining to DCS. Indiana has a Bureau of the Ombudsman, and they have “…the authority to receive, investigate and attempt to resolve complaints concerning the actions of the Department of Child Services (DCS) and to make recommendations to improve the child welfare system. The Bureau operates independently of DCS and is housed in the Department of Administration.” Contact information is below.
DCS Ombudsman Information Line
877-682-0101 – Toll Free
317-232-3154 – Fax