Warrick County

Prevent Child Abuse Vanderburgh County (also covering Gibson & Warrick Counties)

President:  Donna Grant

Phone:  812-437-7233

Email:  dgrant@hollyshouse.org

Website:  None

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Prevent-Child-Abuse-of-Vanderburgh-County/278323808854602



  • Awareness Events
  • Educational Materials & Trainings
  • Community Collaboration


PCA Vanderburgh County Council has been a PCAIN Chartered Council since 1990.  Added coverage in Gibson & Warrick Counties in 2023.


We meet on the 3rd Thursday of every month from 12.  These meetings are open to the public, and we encourage community members to attend and become aware of community events and help in our efforts!  Call 0r email if you want more information.